Days since last (and first) newsletter issue have been very busy to me.
Here is a chart, I worked on CodeQue around 78 hours since then 📈
![notion image](https://www.notion.so/image/https%3A%2F%2Ffile.notion.so%2Ff%2Ff%2F551858e1-d0c8-4499-a130-95a92ec41d8f%2F7b9b0580-29ff-4dd4-96e1-74222d3cd3a3%2FUntitled.png%3Ftable%3Dblock%26id%3Dbeec93c5-92c8-4734-8351-867d0370612d%26spaceId%3D551858e1-d0c8-4499-a130-95a92ec41d8f%26expirationTimestamp%3D1737388800000%26signature%3DAoHBGjKOF2xewXbGGQwUedU-rxhIok7a5kNBh9lUrSI?table=block&id=beec93c5-92c8-4734-8351-867d0370612d&cache=v2)
It’s almost 10 hours per week on average, huh. It’s in addition to my full time occupation!
Feels like a little bit too much? For me, definitely.
I mean, I’m kind of proud that I managed to do it and I’m working consecutively on CodeQue for more 7 months now, but I need a break to enjoy life.
I moved to seaside in Poland for 3 weeks and I will pause on working CodeQue that much during that period. To get back later with doubled power 💪
Ok, time for news!
Visual Studio Code extension pre-release
I should say: FINALY!
It’s just pre-release, with basic functionalities, but I really wanted to share that with the World.
![notion image](https://www.notion.so/image/https%3A%2F%2Ffile.notion.so%2Ff%2Ff%2F551858e1-d0c8-4499-a130-95a92ec41d8f%2Fbbc6d416-6e07-437a-9f91-c19fa50ff314%2FUntitled.png%3Ftable%3Dblock%26id%3Dd300333d-162b-4ea7-a17d-e857c804ef91%26spaceId%3D551858e1-d0c8-4499-a130-95a92ec41d8f%26expirationTimestamp%3D1737388800000%26signature%3DqGg0yMYcDzepuslhvQHYRzp2CBMIumE9SN5J0Pcgk34?table=block&id=d300333d-162b-4ea7-a17d-e857c804ef91&cache=v2)
It would be awesome if you could try it and send me some feedback in DM on Twitter.
There is a plenty of features and improvements I will add soon.
I plan to make it possible to edit files directly in search results list!
It would be cool to be able to include/exclude paths as well.
Conclusions from public release of CodeQue CLI
At the beginning of July I’ve made a “public” and “official” release of the CLI tool for CodeQue.
And guess what! I highly doubt anyone really downloaded it and give it a try 🥲
All the downloads that it has is are probably from bots.
It was disappointing at the begging, but I then I realised it was a good lesson to release and fail fast.
I was waiting with the release for so long. I wanted to prepare website as best as I can etc.
To be honest I could release that CLI MVP after first 2-3 months of work on CodeQue and then I would realise no one is willing to use search tools via CLI anyway, so maybe it would be better to start VSCode extension earlier 😀
The good part was I’ve added tracking to the website and made get-started page to give impression that VSCode extension and ESLint Plugin are ready
33% (89) of visitors clicked “Visual Studio Code” and 24% (65) clicked “ESLint”
Which is not bad conversion (If we can call it conversion).
It gave me some validation that I’m not the only person finding CodeQue useful 😀
![notion image](https://www.notion.so/image/https%3A%2F%2Ffile.notion.so%2Ff%2Ff%2F551858e1-d0c8-4499-a130-95a92ec41d8f%2Ff930c76d-2a10-4b0c-9cd4-50fe422bd879%2FUntitled.png%3Ftable%3Dblock%26id%3De2c71575-a239-48d2-8e8b-65bbd5927442%26spaceId%3D551858e1-d0c8-4499-a130-95a92ec41d8f%26expirationTimestamp%3D1737388800000%26signature%3DvEImBZOECvot7z-aPCQl7u1vydmv2Ku7UJ5TVZC1UVk?table=block&id=e2c71575-a239-48d2-8e8b-65bbd5927442&cache=v2)
Plans, Plans, Plans
Lessons learned, I’m moving forward.
I will now release more often, and I will release smaller parts.
I will follow the Roadmap, which means I will:
- implement improvements to VSCode extension and make if fully featured
- probably skip extending docs for now, until I get some questions from users 🥲
- start working on ESLint plugin
- extend searching by various improvements and functionalities
ESLint plugin will be probably pivotal for future of CodeQue. To make it work I have to make search parser/language agnostic as much as I can.
It will open a path for extending search for other programming languages.
I also hope to get some directions from community at some point. Right now I’m developing what’s useful for me, but at some day I will run out of my own use cases (and motivation, I receive very little feedback comparing to my effort 😔)
We all have limited time, so I would love to focus on what’s most useful.
What’s your CodeQue use case? I would love to hear, it will help me to catch the wave!
Catch you soon, probably in month or so!